Assessment is a two-way street: we use assessment tools to figure out if students are mastering the concepts, but we also use assessment tools to be sure we're teaching all the concepts! If a lot of your students score poorly, then you have to do some self-examination to see if perhaps you need to reteach in a new way. At the end of an assessment, you end up doing one of two things: re-teach, or make a bridge to the next lesson (incorporating some of the concepts to connect the lessons).
A rubric is simply a scoring tool that identifies the various criteria relevant to an assignment or learning outcome, and then explicitly states the possible levels of achievement along a continuum (poor to excellent or novice to expert). Rubrics can be used to assess almost any type of student work, be it essays, final projects, oral presentations, or theatrical performances. Rubistar has art rubrics to choose from, and can be customized. Save the final file as a picture or a file. irubric offers the abiity to search public rubrics and adapt them to meet your needs. Search for "art" once you get registered. |
Nothing wrong with creating a standard, formal test for assessing to see if your students learned the content. This is often required by some schools for final exams. Here's a test bank of art quiz questions: |