Lesson Plan
The lesson plan you will write will use the app as a springboard for creating an artwork, but the lesson is not about your app. The app is merely the vehicle that students will use to create the work.
Your lesson plan should address a larger social issue. Here is a resource list of many ideas: https://slulibrary.saintleo.edu/c.php?g=367728&p=2485857
This is the lesson plan format407_lesson_plan_template.doc you will be using for the lesson plan, and a video that walks through it.
The lesson plan you will write will use the app as a springboard for creating an artwork, but the lesson is not about your app. The app is merely the vehicle that students will use to create the work.
Your lesson plan should address a larger social issue. Here is a resource list of many ideas: https://slulibrary.saintleo.edu/c.php?g=367728&p=2485857
This is the lesson plan format407_lesson_plan_template.doc you will be using for the lesson plan, and a video that walks through it.
The lesson plan writing will require that you communicate with your team to understand how each aspect of the lesson will fit into the plan. There are a few parts of the lesson plan that you will be able to determine in your meetings, and then some you'll have to work with on your own. Here are a few definitions/explanations.
Content Standards/State Standards for Visual and Performing Arts
The state standards can be found here. You will copy/paste one standard for each of the categories. It might look something like this:
4.1 Articulate how personal beliefs, cultural traditions, and current social, economic, and political contexts influence the interpretation of the meaning or message in a work of art. For the objectives, you will then translate that "eduspeak" into common language that your students will be able to understand. For example, translating the above standard into an objective might look like this: "You will be able to talk about how your personal experience with prejudice inspired you to create this video."
Useful words to use when writing objectives can be found here.
Big Question/Essential Question
Your big question/essential question should be something that would address a common student question: "why do we have to learn this?" What are the important things that you want your students to explore? In my example, it may be something like "How do I exhibit privilege, and how does it affect the way I come across to others?"
A great list of essential questions is here.
Some examples of lesson plans from past classes
Lesson plan on Community Art projects:
Lesson plan on Masks from Recycled materials:
Lesson plan on Collaborative Mural:
Lesson plan on Masks from Recycled materials:
Lesson plan on Collaborative Mural: